Sangjit...What you MUST have before ur Wedding.

Prior to my wedding the in-Laws told me that they had a custom of having Sangjit. I've never heard of Sangjit...none of my friends/relatives practised this chinese custom. Hantaran for malay weddings definitely but Sangjit for chinese? Never! Anyway, something that translates to "Gift-day" in hokkien must be good rite... : )

I loved how Dian decorated the Silver heart shaped boxes

Here's a easy 10 step guide to having one.
Step 1: get a number of women from the grooms side (MUST be those who are happily married and/or have children...discriminatory i know, but customary it seems..)

Step 2: Line 'em up and send them to the bride's house bearing gifts... Gifts must come in 6 or 8 or 9 (i mean you can have up to long as its a good chinese number)
Step 3: Get the eldest (in this case was the Groom's eldest aunt) to present the gifts. Tante Connie said to my parents,"Kami sebagai wakil daripada keluarga Panganjaja ingin menawarkan sumbangan kami... Dengan harapan keluarga kami boleh bersatu dengan pernikahan di antara Jose dengan Cheryl. Setujukah?" (or something like that...My Indon isnt too great..still wokring on it dong)

My parents were thrilled and same time nervous (they've never done this before...poor things...) but they did just fine...nodding and smiling. Yup when in doubt, just smile and nod..

so Step 4: Nod and smile.

Then it was my turn to greet all the wonderful aunts...
(except Karina... she's too young to be called a tante...yet.)
Step 5: Eat!

Step 6: oooh take pictures!

Step 7: then it was time to return the favour...Give the Groom's representatives their presents.

Aunt Lingling passing the gift to Karina's mum-in-law...

Aunty LayIm passing hers to Karina...

Sylvia (socialite/my RPM buddy) passes hers to Tante Julian

Step 8: Send the Groom's representatives safely back to their side (in this case was a hotel)

Step 9: Pass the gifts to the Groom's parents...
Step 10: And we're done!!...Time to open the gifts! Yay!!

Okay, lemme share what my side got for Jose...
A Batik shirt (something traditional...since he's indon rite)

A nice zegna shirt...

...bally man-bag for his ipad.. and perfume set (very important...esp the deodorant...haha.)

...Bath and towel set...
...and some other boxes filled with accessories, food and sweets.

My mum filled one whole box with Chinese soup making ingredients...Dried scallops, mushrooms, cans of abalone, red dates, dried longans, and lots fruits like apples, pineapples (very "ong"), pomegranate (something about making sure the groom has lots of seeds...hilarious but embarrassing when your talks about your boyfriend's virility...ughh...)

Now, for myself i got... Bath set (it's sweet that it's got my name on it...very personalised)

...a fabulous pair of laboutins...Red and frou frou! Just my style. ♥
...a gorgeous birkin...which i super ♥
...make up set from estee lauder...

...fuschia herve leger dress...
...Which came in very handy for Xulin's wedding since the Jiemeis had to come in fuschia...

...And a fab set of jewelry! Who would have thought getting married could be so fun??

Now let's take a closer look at my fab shoes... ♥
Align Centerxoxobombshell


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