Selangor Turf Club Annual Dinner

It was that time again to attend Selangor Turf Club's Annual Dinner. This time it was held at Times Square. The fab thing about this event- everyone is always impeccably dressed! So had to find a gorgeous gown to wear...set make up...and wear killer heels. Hmm... not that i really mind...

I arrived a little late fashionably late...
Just in time to take one group pic before entering the ballroom... : )

The door gift for the night. I was more interested in the packaging than the gift itself. So chinese-takeaway...cute!

Lav and I sat at different tables this year...We thought we should separate and go meet new people... And lucky her, she got to sit next to the glamorous Datin Tania...

Our mum came over when she saw us posing and she's like wait..wait... I also wanna take! (like mother like daughters ya...)

The dinner started with a fun energetic performance by this violin playing trio.
They were hot...and i absolutely LURVE their pink violins!
They were pretty good. Made me feel like digging out my old (un-pretty brown colored) violin to play later that night. But alas all 4 strings were broken. And the bow was completely ruined! So i went and watched Glee instead. (Still within the musical genre wat).

Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti Hasmah were the guests of honor. So we went over to say hi...and to take pictures with them...

They're always so friendly and obliging to pose with us...

This was with Tun at some other event..See wat i mean?

Then Lav bump into some friend of hers from way back. Damn funny..She looks dwarfed here. She isn't exactly tall la but she's not short either. It's just this guy is sooo tall!

We got bored halfway through dinner. So what to do? Go outside and camwhore! : )
I chose a nice spot...Suck in tummy...angle face and struck my signature pose...

Only to have all my efforts wasted. Hmmph!

With my entertainer for the night...

and Sianzher...

And of course darling Adrian C. had to barge in...

Back in the ballroom the raffles draw was still ongoing...yawn...

ah...Marie's here finally! always...

the dessert was very yummy... Meringue with strawberries and chocolate sauce!

my other entertainer during dinner... sat next to this sweet sexy lady...

Sharon Yen showing off her fabulous shoes!

...Met Adeline outside on her way home...There were 100+ tables so it wasn't easy finding friends...

And i simply had to take a pic with chairman Dato Richard Cham... He looked super dapper in his pristine white suit. Actually he always looks stylo...Love his tux at my wedding!♥

Every year there's a competition for the best designed horse...This was my fav.

Hen Night...celebrating the end of an era.

I really wanted to party with my girls before i turned into a boring ol' married woman... i know usually your girlfriends are suppose to organize it but since i'm such a control freak, i decided to take things into my hands. Hotel rooom? Check. Club reservations? Check. Wigs and costumes? Check. Invites? Check!

Carm suggested i send out e-invites. An awesome idea. But i've always liked receiving traditional old-fashioned invitation cards so i designed the invite, printed it, and stuck lots of black lace and ribbons to give it that sexy edge.

It was the best excuse to dress up like a tart for the very last time in my life. Well okay, maybe i shouldn't speak too soon...But that was my excuse anyway.
Hence the "Corsets, Fishnets & Garter Belts" Dress Code. : )

We checked in at the Westin, KL ...chilled out...

...and took stock of our props for the night! Eleine got me a black horny veil (because she said i wasn't exactly the sweet diamante tiara type of hen...whatever...i disagree) a hot pink Bachelorette sash, a "Buy the Hen a shot"-glass-necklace, Bad Girl garter and loads of games to play later.

Get off the bed Carm...time to get ready!

We treated ourselves to pizza and pasta from room-service...Well maybe i didn't eaxctly gorge myself... Must. Fit. *take deep breath* Corset!

....and washed it all down with some cold crisp white wine courtesy of Jiahui. ♥ Mmm...

Then it was time to get dressed for the party...

...grab my basket of trick and treats...

...and we're all set!

But of course we've to take some pictures first...

Thanks for the honeymoon luggage-tags and Annick Goutal perfume! I super ♥ them.

I was so happy she came despite the terrible flu anf fever she was suffering from...Very touched!

Our lame attempt at Lady Gaga pose...

We created quite a scene getting to the club. We got into the lift with this cute young guy and he asked if he could take a picture with us. Ya, of course can la! Just pay RM100... He was like," What?? That's too much!" So of course we were kind enough to lower it to RM50... with a thong thrown in for free. He was happy. So were we.

Ahh... finally at our table inside the club... Time to start the cam-whoring!

Thanks for the bringing the balloons all the way babe! ♥ them!

After settling down we had to start making money...

It was quite fun when the men were sporting and friendly... But it was a slow, ardous process!

Aha! Candy and Britney sneaked off to the loo to camwhore... tsk tsk!

Blondie came up wih a srategy to sell all our treats.
We were split up into 2 teams... Tight Pussy vs. Gogo Girls. Haha..

Okay, let's get serious...

How about we find a nice, clueless guy who's willing to part with all his money, drag him in here and relieve him of it? Lol.

And soon we found the perfect victim. Only 3 traits needed. 1.Super generous. 2.Non-creepy. And 3.must be willing to do whatever we want. Perfect!

Come on in and meet all the girls...

...sit down... He was a little apprehensive at first...

...and was downright uncomfortable with the lap dance...

...then he started to chill out...

...and then phwoar he was thoroughly enjoying himself!

okay can keep it...

Success! Yay!

Time to do what we love best... Drink, dance and take lots of photos...

Lol. The deer-caught-in-headlights look! Classic...

Then it was time to play my "Scrath a dare" game...

And do the usual naughty silly things... Funny part was the Bombshell is sooo thickskinned that completing the task was a breeze! Of course it also helped that we were in a club and it was quite late already so most people were too drnk to care what i did to them.

LMAO! ♥ this pic!
Did i mention we took lots of photos?...

Come on Lulu..Finish your shot!

Hilarious! You girls really made my night!

Towards to end of the night i couldn't really remember much because i was too wasted tired. Especially after playing the lat-tali-lat-tam-plom drinking game. But according to certain sources the Hen went on a biting rampage on the way back to the hotel and did some other crazy things that aren't worth mentioning here. Too bad i didnt stay up for the siew-yok-chow-mien (some super sweet boyfriends actually waited for their girlfriends to be done partying...bought them food from Petaling street and sent them back to Westin).

It was definitely the most memorable night of my clubbing history. Thanks to my wonderful girls who put up with my silly requests and plain silliness. ♥ all of you!